1.  Responsible services

The Search and Rescue service in the Kingdom of Thailand are provided by military and civil organizations and coordinate Search and Rescue Group, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport. Assistance to civil aircraft in distress is provided in accordance with International Standards and Recommended Practices of ICAO Annex 12. The overall responsibility for making the necessary facilities available rests with Search and Rescue Group, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and SAR unit.

The postal and telegraphic address of Rescue Co-ordination Centre as follows:

Bangkok Search And Rescue Co-Ordination Centre
Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport
71 Soi Ngarmduplee, Rama IV Road
Thung Mahamek, Sathorn

Tel:  +662 285 5450

Tel:  +662 285 5451

Fax:  +662 286 2925


2.  Area of responsibility

Bangkok SRR boundary coincides with Bangkok FIR

The boundary of the search and rescue area, which is coincident with the Bangkok FIR, runs as follows:

A point on the Thai border at 1000 N, then along the national border between the Kingdom of Thailand and Myanmar/Laos/Cambodia to the coast, then to 1000N 10215E, to 0615N 10215E, then westward along the national border between the Kingdom of Thailand and Malaysia to 0630N 9930E, then to 0715N 9800E, to 1000N 9630E, then eastward along 1000N to the Thai border.

3.  Types of service

The Bangkok Rescue Co-ordination Centre is co-located with the Mission Control Centre (MCC) and controls two LEOLUTs (Low Earth Orbit Local User Terminal). Both LEOLUTs provide full capability processing of 121.5 MHZ, 243.0 MHZ and 406 MHZ frequency bands, including G-SAR processing of the transponded 406 MHZ SARR data. The local coverage area of the LEOLUTs includes the Bay of Bengal, parts of the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea, as well as the land area of South Asia, including all of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Malaysian Peninsula.

Details of related rescue units are given in Table 3.1 Search and Rescue Units. In addition to the various elements by the Militaries, The Bangkok Radio whose responsible of contacting with merchant marine and the Royal Thai Police (Marine Police) are also available for co-ordinate in Search and Rescue mission, when required.

The aeronautical Bangkok Area Control Centre, all ATS units and COM facilities, maritime and public telecommunication service are also available to the Search and Rescue units.

All SAR aircraft and maritime craft carry survival equipment, capable of being dropped, consisting of inflatable rubber dinghies equipped with medical supplies.

Aircraft and maritime craft are equipped to communicate on 121.5 MHZ, 123.1 MHZ, 243.0 MHZ and 500 KHZ, 2182/5680 KHZ.

HF/SSB: 6215 KHZ/6312 KHZ (DSC)

VHF: CH 16 and CH 70 (DSC)

Table 3.1 Search and Rescue Units
1355N 10037E
Sattahip Naval Base
1239N 10058E
Songkhla Naval Base
0711N 10037E
Suratthani (Air wing 71)
0808N 09908E
Chiangmal (Air wing 41)
184618N 0985758E
Ubon Ratchathani (Air wing 21)
151453N 1045219E
Phuket (Air section 3th fleet)
0636N 09818E

4.   Search and Rescue agreements

As the neighbouring country and being the member of Association of South East Asian Nation and Annex 12 for the Convention, the government of the Kingdom of Thailand have ratified the agreement for the facilitation of search for aircraft in distress and rescue survivors of aircraft accidents with the government of the Republic of Singapore and the The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand, Malaysia. This agreement provided for facilitation of the over flight and landing of search and rescue aircraft without prior permission after dispatch of a flight plan and rescue assistance to aircraft in distress and survivors of aircraft accidents within the common boundary and or respective SAR.

Requests for the entry of aircraft, equipment and personal from other state to engage in the search for aircraft in distress or to rescue survivors of aircraft accident should be transmitted directly to the Bangkok Rescue Co-ordination Centre, in accordance with the standing plan for the conduct of Search and Rescue in its area. Defraying for the costs of accommodation and transportation of crew members and fuelling service are being responsible of the requesting state.

5.  Conditions of availability

The SAR service and facilities in the Kingdom of Thailand are available without charge to neighboring states upon request to The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand at all times. For the condition of availability for international use, there are no dedicated SAR aircraft and SAR vessels. All aircraft and vessels of militaries and civil agencies are being provided on request in conducting of SAR mission. The other facilities and personnel of military, such as Royal Thai Police, Department of Forestry and local Administration Organization will also conduct SAR mission as well.

6.  Procedures and signals used

6.1 Procedures and signals used by aircraft

Procedure for Pilots-in-Command observing an accident or intercepting a distress call/or message are outlined in ICAO Annex 12, Chapter 5.

6.2 Communications
6.2.1 Transmission and reception of distress messages within Bangkok FIR Search and Rescue Area are handled in accordance with ICAO Annex 10, Volume ll, Chapter 5, paragraph 5.3.
6.2.2 For Communications during search and rescue operations, the codes and abbreviations published in ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (Doc 8400/4) are used.
6.2.3 Information concerning positions, call signs, frequencies, and hours of operation of Thai aeronautical stations and navigation aids is published in section AD 2 and ENR 2.
6.2.4 Air Traffic Service Units guard on the international frequencies 121.5 and 243.0 MHZ continuously, during the hours of services. Coastal Radio operates on 24 hours basic and guards on international distress frequencies.

Search and Rescue signals

The search and rescue signals to be used are those prescribed in ICAO Annex 12, Chapter 5, Appendix.

No.MessageCode symbol
1.Require assistanceV
2.Require medical assistanceX
3.No or NegativeN
4.Yes or AffirmativeY
5.Proceeding in this direction

Instructions for use: signals not less than 8 FT (2.5 M) care to lay out signals exactly as shown. as much colour contrast as possible between signals and background every effort to attract by other means such as radio, flares, smoke, reflected light. etc.



