1.  Responsible service

1.1  AIS Headquarters

The Aeronautical Information Services which forms part of the Aeronautical information Service of The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand:

Aeronautical Information Management Department
The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand
222 Soi Vibhavadi Rangsit 28,
Vibhavadi Rangsit Rd., Chatuchak,



Tel:  (662) 568 8831

Tel:  +666 3205 8831

Fax:  +662 576 1903

E-mail:  [email protected], [email protected]


1.2  International NOTAM Office (NOF)

The International NOTAM Office is operated by Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (AEROTHAI) Ltd., and maintains close liaison with the Aeronautical Information Services Headquarters.

Located at:

Aeronautical Radio Of Thailand Company Ltd.
102 Ngamdu-plee, Thung Mahamek
Bangkok 10120, Thailand

Postal address

International NOTAM Office
102 Ngamdu-plee, Tungmahamek
Bangkok 10120, Thailand


Tel:  +662 287 8202

Tel:  +662 287 8204

Fax:  +662 287 8205

Fax:  +662 287 4695

E-mail:  [email protected], [email protected]

The service is provided in accordance with the provision contained in ICAO Annex 15-Aeronautical Information Services. All AIS material not handled over the AFTN e.q. AIP, AIP Supplement, AIC etc., should however, be addressed to the address given in paragraph 1.1 above.

2.  Area of responsibility

2.1 The Aeronautical Information Services Headquarters is responsible for the collection, validate, verify and dissemination of information with in Bangkok Flight information Region (BKK FIR) for air navigation services purpose.
2.2 The International NOTAM Office is responsible for the dissemination of NOTAM including its monthly summary in plain language.

3.  Aeronautical publications

3.1  The aeronautical information is provided in the form of the integrated Aeronautical Information Package consisting of the following elements:
  1. Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP);

  2. Amendment service to the AIP (AIP AMDT);

  3. Supplement to the AIP (AIP SUP);

  4. Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC);

  5. NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB); and

  6. Checklists and list of valid NOTAM.

NOTAM and the related monthly checklists are issued via the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS), while the PIB are made available at Air Traffic Services Reporting Office (ARO). All other elements of IAIP are provided in

3.2  Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

The AIP, issued in one volume available in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) in, It is the basic Aeronautical Information document published for Thailand, and contains information of a lasting character essential to air navigation. It is available in English only and is maintained up to date by an amendment service consisting of reprinted pages and, in the case of minor amendments, manuscript corrections.

3.3  Amendment service to the AIP
3.3.1  AIP Amendments may contain both AIRAC and Non-AIRAC changes (paragraphs 3.3.2., 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 refer). The HTML will be updated to a specified AIRAC publication date in AIS website.
3.3.2  The AIRAC Amendment (AIRAC AIP AMDT) is used to provide advance notice of the introduction of permanent operationally significant changes on an internationally recognized AIRAC effective date and do not replace the existing AIP pages until the effective date on which the changes take place.
3.3.3  Non-AIRAC Amendments (AIP AMDT) to the AIP comprise permanent operationally significant changes that have received previous notification by NOTAM and other permanent information that is not required to be announced by NOTAM. Non-AIRAC changes to the AIP are published together with AIRAC changes and may be considered to be effective on recognized AIRAC effective date, unless otherwise indicated. AIP pages (AIRAC and Non-AIRAC) should not be replaced before the stated AIRAC effective date.
3.3.4  A brief description of the subjects affected by the amendment, NOTAM and permanent AIP Supplements that have been incorporated is given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet. New and replacement information included on the reprinted AIP pages is annotated or identified by a vertical line and horizontal line for remove of information in the outer margin of the page at the appropriate place.
3.3.5  Each AIP page is dated to reflect the AIRAC AIP AMDT or AIP AMDT effective date and a complete checklist of AIP pages, relating page reference to date, is reissued with each amendment as AIP section GEN 0.4.
3.3.6  Each combined AIP amendment is allocated an AIRAC Cycle serial number that is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by two digits, is a part of the serial number of the amendment, eg. AIRAC AIP AMDT 1/18
3.3.7   If there is no information for publication in an AIP Amendment on an AIRAC effective date, the Amendment shall be issued with a ‘NIL’ notification.
3.4  Supplement to the AIP (AIP Sup)
3.4.1  Temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and information of short duration which consists of extensive text and/or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the AIP, are published as AIP Supplements (AIP SUP). Operationally significant temporary changes to the AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its established effective dates and are identified clearly by the acronym AIRAC AIP SUP. Each AIP Supplement (regular or AIRAC) is assigned a serial number, that is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by two digits, is a part of the serial number of each supplement, eg. AIP SUP A1/18 or AIRAC AIP SUP A1/18.
3.4.2  AIP Supplement is issued in two series as follows:-

Series A - Containing information concerning facilities, services and procedures of interest to international civil aviation, and given general international distribution;

Series B - Containing information of concern only to aircraft other than those engaged in international civil aviation, and given national distribution only.

3.4.3  AIP Supplements are available in HTML and CD-ROM, which are normally issued and published in website on a specified AIRAC publication date recognized in AIRAC cycle which is interval every 28 days. For the necessary, AIP Supplements may be published less than 28 days.
3.4.4  AIP Supplements are to be kept in the AIP for as long as all or some of their contents remain valid. The period of validity of the information contained in the AIP Supplement will normally be given in the supplement itself. Alternatively, NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of validity or to advise of the cancellation of an AIP Supplement.
3.4.5  A checklist of AIP Supplement currently in force is issued every month through the Printed plain-language list of valid NOTAM.
3.5  Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)
3.5.1  The Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) contain information on the long-term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations, procedures or facilities; information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety; and information or notification of an explanatory of advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.
3.5.2  AICs are available in HTML and CD-ROM, which are normally issued and published in website on a specified AIRAC publication date recognized in AIRAC cycle which is interval every 28 days. For the necessary, AIC may be published less than 28 days.
3.5.3  Each AIC is assigned a serial number, that is consecutive and based on the calendar year. The year, indicated by two digits, is a part of the serial number of each supplement, eg. AIC 1/18.
3.5.4  A checklist of AIC currently in force is issued once in a year.
3.6  NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB)
3.6.1  NOTAM contain information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for personnel concerned with flight operations. The text of each NOTAM contains the information in the order shown in the ICAO NOTAM Format and is composed of the signification/uniform abbreviated phraseology assigned to the ICAO NOTAM Code complemented by ICAO abbreviations, indicators, identifiers, designators, call signs, frequencies, figures and plain language. NOTAM are originated and issued for Bangkok FIR and are distributed in five series identified by the letters A, C, J, H and G as follows:
  • Series A - NOTAM containing information on Thailand International Airports and ATS routes according to circumstances. Distribution: International

  • Series C - NOTAM containing information on Thailand International Airports, domestic airports and ATS routes according to circumstances. Distribution: Domestic

  • Series J - NOTAM containing information of concern to scope warning (W) activity near or affecting Controlled Airspace or ATS routes according to circumstances. Distribution: International and Domestic.

  • Series H - NOTAM containing information of concern VIP Flight in Bangkok FIR. Distribution: International and Domestic.

  • Series G - NOTAM concerning the status of elements of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Distribution: International and Domestic.

3.6.2  Each NOTAM is assigned a serial number preceded by the appropriate letter indicating the series. The serial numbers start with NR 0001 at 0000 UTC on 1 January every year. A checklist of NOTAM currently in force is issued every month over the AFTN, and in addition, a printed plain language summary of their substance is sent by airmail to those who had originally received the NOTAM over the AFTN, as well as to others on request.
3.6.3  NOTAM are published as and when necessary to disseminate information of direct operational significance which:-
  1. is of an ephemeral nature;

  2. requires advance distribution; or

  3. is appropriate to the AIP but immediate dissemination is required.

3.6.4  Each NOTAM is given a serial number, a new series being established for each calendar year. A checklist of NOTAM currently in force is issued at the beginning of each month
3.6.5  NOTAM are exchanged between Bangkok NOF and other NOTAM Offices as follows:
InternationalDomesticInternational and DomesticInternational and DomesticInternational and Domestic


























Phnom Penh



Praha/ Ruzyne



































Heydar allyev



Hong Kong



Ibrahim nasir





















Kuala Lumpur










3.7  Checklist and list of valid of NOTAM

A checklist of valid NOTAM is issued monthly via AFS. The checklist is followed by a printed summary of NOTAM distributed by mail to all recipients of the integrated Aeronautical Information Package. It contains a plain language (in English) presentation of the valid NOTAM and information about the number of the latest issued AIP AMDT, AIP SUP and AIC as well as the numbers of the elements issued under the AIRAC that will become effective or, if none, the NIL AIRAC notification.

3.8  Sale of publications
3.8.1   Most AIS publications are available in HTML. The AIP, AIP SUPs and AICs may be obtained from the CD-ROM and, in addition, these documents feature on the AIS Web site
3.8.2  All subscription or purchase requests and enquiries regarding the supply of AIS publications (CD-ROM version) are available on
3.8.3  Details and prices of AIS publications are available in AIS website.

4.  AIRAC System

4.1   AIRAC Information are originated and distributed by AIS with the objective of reaching data provider and data handlers at least 28 days in advance of the effective date. Data Originator should note that strict adherence to both the AIRAC publication and effective dates is essential if the information is to be incorporated in flight-deck documentation and flight management systems by the effective date of the selected AIRAC Cycle.
4.2  The establishment and withdrawal of, and predetermined significant changes (including operational trials) to the information listed below is required by ICAO to be published and brought into effect in accordance with the AIRAC System.
4.2.1  Limits (horizontal and vertical), regulations and procedures applicable to:
  1. flight information regions;

  2. control areas;

  3. control zones;

  4. advisory areas;

  5. ATS routes;

  6. permanent danger, prohibited and restricted areas (including type and periods of activity when known) and ADIZ;

  7. permanent areas or routes or portions thereof where the possibility of interception exists;

4.2.2  Positions, frequencies, call signs, identifiers, known irregularities and maintenance periods of radio navigation aids, and communication and surveillance facilities.
4.2.3  Holding and approach procedures, arrival and departure procedures, noise abatement procedures and any other pertinent ATS procedures.
4.2.4  Transition levels, transition altitudes and minimum sector altitudes.
4.2.5  Meteorological facilities (including broadcasts) and procedures.
4.2.6  Runways and stopways.
4.2.7  Taxiways and aprons.
4.2.8   Aerodrome ground operating procedures (including low visibility procedures).
4.2.9  Approach and runway lighting.
4.2.10  Aerodrome operating minima if published by a State.
4.3  In addition, the establishment and withdrawal of, and predetermined significant changes to the information listed below may be published and brought into effect in accordance with the AIRAC System:
4.3.1  Position, height and lighting of navigational obstacles.
4.3.2  Hours of service of aerodromes, facilities and services.
4.3.3  Customs, immigration and health services.
4.3.4  Temporary danger, prohibited and restricted areas and navigational hazards, military exercises and mass movements of aircraft.
4.3.5  Temporary areas or routes or portions thereof where the possibility of interception exists.
4.4   When operationally necessary, the ICAO AIRAC System permits major changes to be promulgated two Cycles (56 days) in advance. Similarly, additional notice is required if the introduction of an intended change cannot be planned to take place on an AIRAC effective date. Publication would then be required no later than the AIRAC Cycle within which the actual effective date falls.

The establishment of, and premeditated major changes to:

4.4.1  New aerodromes for international IFR operations.
4.4.2  New runways for IFR operations at international aerodromes.
4.4.3  Design and structure of the air traffic services route network
4.4.4  Design and structure of a set of terminal procedures (including change of procedure bearings due to magnetic variation change).
4.4.5  Circumstances listed in Part 1 if the entire State or any significant portion thereof is affected or if cross-border coordination is required.
4.5  Data Originators should aware of the schedule for AIRAC cycle which is published annually in an AIC that announce the latest date information reach to AIS, Publication date and effective date schedule to comply with international AIRAC system prescribed by ICAO.
4.6  Schedule of AIRAC effective dates

Schedule of AIRAC effective dates.

AIRAC Cycle number


2025 2026 2027 2028

25 JAN

23 JAN 22 JAN 21 JAN 20 JAN

22 FEB

20 FEB 19 FEB 18 FEB 17 FEB

21 MAR

20 MAR 19 MAR 18 MAR 16 MAR

18 APR

17 APR 16 APR 15 APR 13 APR

16 MAY

15 MAY 14 MAY 13 MAY 11 MAY

13 JUN

12 JUN 11 JUN 10 JUN 08 JUN

11 JUL

10 JUL 09 JUL 08 JUL 06 JUL

08 AUG

07 AUG 06 AUG 05 AUG 03 AUG
9 05 SEP 5 SEP 04 SEP 03 SEP 02 SEP 31 AUG

03 OCT

02 OCT 01 OCT 30 SEP 28 SEP

31 OCT

30 OCT 29 OCT 28 OCT 26 OCT

28 NOV

27 NOV 26 NOV 25 NOV 23 NOV

26 DEC

25 DEC 24 DEC 23 DEC 21 DEC

5.  Pre – flight Information Service at Aerodromes

5.1  A pre-flight information service unit is available at each of the following listed aerodrome, with the coverage indicated.
AerodromeBriefing coverage
BANGKOK/Bangkok International Airport Bangkok, Bombay Calcutta, Delhi, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Karachi, Manila, Yangon, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
BANGKOK/Suvarnabhumi International Airport Bangkok, Bombay Calcutta, Delhi, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Karachi, Manila, Yangon, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
CHIANG RAI/Mae Fah Luang-Chiang Rai International Airport Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
PHUKET/Phuket International Airport Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
RAYONG/U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport Bangkok, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Karachi, Manila, Yangon, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
SONGKHLA / Hat Yai International Airport Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia FIRs.
5.2  Post-flight information forms, for annotation by aircrews of information concerning the state and operation of air navigation facilities, are available at the information service unit at the aerodromes mentioned above.

6.  Electronic terrain and obstacle data

To be develop