ContactAeronautical Information Management Department Tel: +662 568 8831 Fax: +662 576 1903 AFS: VTBAYOYX E-mail: E-mail: | AIP Supplement for Thailand![]() | AIP SUP A 25/24 Effective from 09 MAY 2024 to UFN Published on 02 MAY 2024 |
This section supplements the following portion(s) of the AIP: AD
1 With effect from 9 May 2024 at 0100 UTC until further notice, the purpose of this AIP Supplement is to inform all concerned regarding the construction of Runway strip and temporary obstacle at Phuket International Airport (VTSP). (The area layout is shown in attachment)
2.1 Location of construction area: Along left sides of Runway 09 distance 75 M from Runway centreline.
2.2 Key Activities: Land leveling, Installation of new airside fences, Construction of service roads, Reclamation of graded area, Runway strip and Construction of runway and taxiway drainage.
2.3 Period: H24
2.4 All vehicles and machinery in the site are marked by 90 x 90 cm red and white checkered flag and lighted at night. (such as mobile crane, backhoe truck, rough terrain crane and asphalt paver).
2.5 The maximum height of machineries (mobile crane) is 13 feet above ground level (AGL) or 95 feet above mean sea level (AMSL).
2.6 All construction equipment will be kept clear during aircraft arrival and departure operations.
3.1 Obstacle type: Pile of rocks
3.2 Area 1
3.2.3 1st: 080651.12N 0981846.78E
2nd: 080651.92N 0981853.48E
3rd: 080650.74N 0981853.90E
4th: 080650.02N 0981846.67E
3.3 Area 2
1st: 080656.70N 0981916.83E
2nd: 080657.11N 0981920.87E
3rd: 080655.30N 0981921.39E
4th: 080654.86N 0981916.93E
3.4 Marking/LGT: Fixed red light.
4.1 WDI for Runway 09 will be serviceable.
4.2 The DVOR/DME will be serviceable.
5 During the period of the maintenance work process, aircraft should strictly follow ATC instructions to avoid any possible risks to aircraft operations.
6 For further information contact via the following:
Unit: Aeronautical Information Services, Phuket International Airport.
Tel: + 667 635 1874
Fax: + 667 635 2347
7 This AIP Supplement superseded AIP Supplement A02/24 and will remain current until further notice. Any changes to this AIP Supplement will be notified through NOTAM.