
Parent elements


Child elements

Choice: (text, e:Abbreviation!, e:Date-time!, e:Deleted!, e:Inserted!, e:Location!, x:a!, x:br!, x:cite!, x:em!, x:span!, x:strong!)*


Abbreviation-details contains the full explanation of an abbreviation or acronym defined by an e:Abbreviation-description element.

See e:Abbreviation-description for a full example.


Example in the eAIP Specimensee Inserted/Deleted
How to insert or delete the elementMay not be amended.
How to change the whole element (insert and delete)Change the content.
How to change this element's attributesCan be amended freely (not relevant to Amendment).
How to change this element's contentUse Inserted and/or Deleted elements.


classOptionalType: space-separated XML name tokens

Style class selector. Any valid class name can be input here, as it depends on the set of style sheets you have developed (for HTML classes implementation, see html/eAIP.css in the eAIP Specimen). Several classes can be specified using a space as separator. Note that class names are the same for both HTML and XSL-FO.

idOptionalType: unique ID

Identifier for the element. This must be unique for within an eAIP, which is enforced at validation. The id value can then be used for reference from other elements, as it is the case with the Ref attribute of an e:Abbreviation.

RemarksOptionalType: text

Any short remark related to the element. This attribute may be useful for editing purpose. It should not be used for publishing, as it is currently not used by the supplied style sheets.

titleOptionalType: text

Not used, currently.


This namespace node defines the "e" namespace, which groups all eAIP specific elements. For more information, refer to the W3C's document Namespaces in XML. This node is implied: it does not need to be set explicitly (except on e:eAIP), but can be if needed.


This namespace node defines the "x" namespace, which groups all XHTML elements. This node is implied: it does not need to be set explicitly (except on e:eAIP), but can be if needed.


This namespace node defines the "xlink" namespace. This node is implied: it does not need to be set explicitly (except on e:eAIP), but can be if needed.

Copyright © 2000-2002 EUROCONTROL, all rights reserved.
This work is subject to the license provided in the file LICENSE.txt.