ContactThe Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand Tel: +662 568 8831 Fax: +662 576 1903 AFS: VTBAYOYX E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] | AIP Supplement for Thailand![]() | AIRAC AIP SUP A 11/23 Effective from 23 MAR 2023 to 01 MAY 2023 Published on 09 FEB 2023 |
This section supplements the following portion(s) of the AIP: AD
1 With effect from 23 March 2023 at 1630 UTC until 1 May 2023 at 0030 UTC, the purpose of this AIRAC AIP Supplement is to inform all concerned regarding the construction of RESA Runway 09/27, Runway strip, Taxiway P extension and new Taxiways H and J at Phuket International Airport. The construction will be divided into 3 zones (See attachment 1). The details are as follows:
2.1 Runway 09/27 will be closed due to construction program on 23 March 2023 - 1 May 2023 Daily 1630 - 0030 UTC.
2.2 Stopway for Runway 09 will be unavailable.
2.3 Closed markings and lightings are displayed in the unserviceable area.
2.4 The construction area nearby the glide slope station will be blocked off by barricades painted in an alternate band of red and white, and will be lighted by fixed red lights at night and during limited visibility conditions.
Zone | Key Activities | Period | Remark |
Zone 1: North and east of Runway (Landside Area) | - Land leveling | H24 |
The maximum height of |
- Installation of new airside fences | |||
- Construction of service roads | |||
Zone 2: Runway strips and extended area 355 M from threshold Runway 27 |
- Reclamation of graded area, runway strip and RESA |
23 MAR 2023 - 1 MAY 2023 Daily 1630 - 0030 UTC |
1. The mobile crane height 13 FT AGL (95 FT AMSL). 2. The area adjacent to the threshold Runway 09 remains unchanged until further notice. 3.All construction equipment will be kept clear during aircraft arrival and departure operations. |
- Construction of Taxiway P extension | |||
- Construction of runway and taxiway drainage | |||
- Installation of airfield lighting system | |||
- Construction of runway extension (60 M from threshold Runway 27) and construction of a new Taxiway H and J | |||
Zone 3: Beyond 75 M from |
- Reclamation of graded area, runway strip and RESA | H24 |
The maximum height of machineries (mobile crane) is 13 FT AGL (95 FT AMSL). |
- Construction of Taxiway P extension | |||
- Construction of runway and taxiway drainage |
4 During the construction of runway extension (60 M from threshold Runway 27), aircraft shall use Runway 09/27 under restrictions as follows:
4.1 Runway 09 in use;
For take-off and landing
Stopway for Runway 09 will be unavailable.
Runway distance will be reduced 150 M (reserved for runway strip 60 M and RESA 90 M) to provide the safety operation and reduce the damage of aircraft in event of runway excursion or overshoot.
PAPI for Runway 09 will be available.
Runway Declared Distances as follows:
Runway |
TORA (M) |
TODA (M) |
ASDA (M) |
LDA (M) | Remarks |
09 | 2850 | 2850 | 2850 | 2850 |
Runway turn pad located |
4.2 Runway 27 in use;
4.2.1 For take – off
Stopway for Runway 27 will be available.
When depart from TWY G intersection, TORA is 2500 M. The signage is on the left side of TWY G.
When expecting to use runway turn pad for departure, pilot shall follow guidance line and shall apply low power engine to prevent the loose dirt to scatter caused by jet blast. Prior to take-off, the aircraft shall taxi forward 200 M to start rolling at the assigned departure position with the signage “TORA 2800 M” on the left side of Runway 27.
4.2.2 For landing,
The ILS will be serviceable.
PAPI for Runway 27 will be serviceable.
The approach lighting system for Runway 27 will be serviceable.
Runway Declared Distances as follows:
Runway |
TORA (M) |
TODA (M) |
ASDA (M) |
LDA (M) | Remarks |
27 | 2800 | 2800 | 2860 | 3000 |
Runway turn pad located adjacent to the threshold of runway 27 will be available. |
4.3 Use of Runway 09/27 and runway declared distances are shown in attachment 3.
5.1 Markings and lighting will be available for aircraft operations.
5.2 WDI for Runway 09/27 will be serviceable.
5.3 The DVOR/DME will be serviceable.
6.1 During the period of the maintenance work process, aircraft should strictly follow ATC instructions to avoid any possible risks to aircraft operations.
6.2 All vehicles are marked by 90 x 90 cm red and white checkered flag.
6.3 All machineries such as backhoe truck, rough terrain crane and asphalt paver will be marked and lighted. The maximum height of machineries (mobile crane) is 13 feet above ground level (AGL) or 95 feet above mean sea level (AMSL).
6.4 Aircraft operators are advised to avoid using Phuket International Airport as an alternate aerodrome during runway closure period.
6.5 This AIP Supplement applies the runway closure period in March and April as same as AIP SUP A27/22 (dated 15 DEC 2022).
7 For further information contact via the following:
Unit: Aeronautical Information Services, Phuket International Airport.
TEL: + 667 635 1874
FAX: + 667 635 2347
E-Mail: [email protected]
8 This AIRAC AIP Supplement superseded NOTAM A0120/23 (C0190/23), A0121/23 (C0191/23) and A0122/23 (C0192/23) and will remain current until 1 May 2023 at 0030 UTC. Any changes to this AIRAC AIP Supplement will be notified through NOTAM.