ContactThe Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand Tel: +662 568 8831 Fax: +662 576 1903 AFS: VTBAYOYX E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] | AIP Supplement for Thailand![]() | AIP SUP A 21/22 Effective from 14 JAN 2023 to 15 JAN 2023 Published on 22 SEP 2022 |
This section supplements the following portion(s) of the AIP: AD
1 With effect on 14 January 2023, Air Display will take place at Chiang Mai International Airport (VTCC) for celebration of National Children's Day which is organized by Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF).
2.1 The purpose of this AIP Supplement is to notify all the air operators and pilots using this aerodrome on the notified dates, to be aware of the event and plan in advance their flight schedules and operations on the mentioned time period shown in the details and tables below.
2.2 Arriving and departing aircraft at Chiang Mai International Airport may be delay due to the consequence of the Air Display.
2.3 The Air Display will take place within radius 5 NM from Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP), and height from ground to 10 000 FT above mean sea level.
2.4 General Aviation (GA) aircraft are not accepted during Air Display period except the flights Operated for technical reasons such as emergency, medical and rescue flights.
3 Air Display will take place on the 14 January 2023 as the following details.
Time (UTC) | Activities | Responsible Units |
0120 - 0140 | Air Display | RTAF |
0145 - 0345 | Aircraft Departures/Arrivals | AEROTHAI |
0350 - 0430 | Air Display | RTAF |
0435 - 0615 | Aircraft Departures/Arrivals | AEROTHAI |
0620 - 0700 | Air Display | RTAF |
0705 - 0740 | Aircraft Departures/Arrivals | AEROTHAI |
0745 - 0800 | Air Display | RTAF |
0800 | End of Air Display | RTAF |
4 As Chiang Mai International Airport is categorized as Slot Coordinated Airport, therefore, all the air operators are obliged to follow the slot allocation process set out by the Slot Coordination Committee of Thailand headed by the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT).
5 For further information contact via the following:
5.1 Aeronautical Information Service Subdivision, Airside Operations Division (AOT)
Phone: +665 392 2000 (Ext. 23061)
Fax: +665 392 2318
For further information about the slot clearance request contact via the following:
5.2 Slot Coordination Committee of Thailand
CAAT: Airport Slot Allocation Group (SAG)
Email: [email protected]
6 This AIP Supplement will remain current until 14 January 2023 at 0900 UTC. Any changes of this AIP Supplement will be notified through NOTAM.