ContactThe Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand Tel: +662 568 8831 Fax: +662 576 1903 AFS: VTBAYOYX E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] | AIP Supplement for Thailand![]() | AIP SUP A 01/23 Effective from 13 JAN 2023 to UFN Published on 12 JAN 2023 |
This section supplements the following portion(s) of the AIP: AD
1 With effect from 13 January 2023 at 0100 UTC until further notice, the purpose of this AIP Supplement is to inform pilots and operators for electric pole at Phuket International Airport. Electric pole location layout is shown in appendix.
2.1 Obstacle type: Electric Pole; Transitional Surface
2.2 Coordinates: 080645.87N 0981941.67E
2.3 Altitude: 111 FT (34 M) AMSL
2.4 Electric Pole will be lighted at night and marked with alternate red and white.
3 For further information contact via the following:
Unit: Aeronautical Information Services, Phuket International Airport.
Tel: + 667 635 1874
Fax: + 667 635 2347
E-mail: [email protected]
4 This AIP Supplement superseded NOTAM A2545/22 (C4318/22) and will remain current until further notice. Any changes to this AIP Supplement will be notified through NOTAM.