VTBU — Rayong/ U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport
1 |
ARP coordinates and site at AD |
Centre of the runway, 1752.5 M from THR RWY18 |
2 |
Direction and distance from (city) | 34 KM W of Rayong |
3 |
Elevation/Reference temperature | 18 M (59 FT) / 34°C |
4 | Geoid Undulation at AD ELEV PSN |
5 |
MAG VAR/Annual change | 0.55°W (2016 ) / 0.00°E |
6 |
AD Administration, address, telephone, |
Royal Thai Naval Air Division Tel: +663 824 5193 Tel: +663 824 5600 AFS: VTBUZTZX |
7 |
Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) | IFR /VFR |
8 |
Remarks | Operator: Royal Thai Navy |
1 |
Aerodrome Operator | H24 |
2 |
Customs and immigration |
H24 |
3 |
Health and sanitation | H24 |
4 |
AIS Briefing Office | H24 |
5 |
ATS Reporting Office (ARO) | H24 |
6 |
MET Briefing Office | H24 |
7 |
ATS | H24 |
8 |
Fuelling | H24 |
9 |
Handling | H24 |
10 |
Security | H24 |
11 |
De-icing |
12 |
Remarks |
1 |
Cargo-handling facilities |
Handling weights up to 3 T |
2 |
Fuel/oil types |
Jet A-1 , AVGAS , JP8 |
3 |
Fuelling facilities/capacity |
1 JET A-1 Refueller @ 40,000 L 2 JET A-1 Refueller @ 12,000 L 1 Hydrant Dispenser for JET A-1 1 JET A-1 Refueller @ 45,000 L 1 JET A-1 Refueller @ 12,000 L 3 Hydrant Cart for JP-8 1 AVGAS DC Motor dispenser from drum 200 L |
4 |
De-icing facilities |
5 |
Hangar space for visiting aircraft |
6 |
Repair facilities for visiting aircraft |
7 |
Remarks |
1 |
Hotels | 5 KM from AD and in the city |
2 |
Restaurants | In Pattaya city and Banchang |
3 |
Transportation | Airport buses and limousines |
4 |
Medical facilities | First aid station and queen Sirikit Hospital in the AD |
5 |
Bank and Post Office | 2 KM from AD |
6 |
Tourist Office | In Pattaya city |
7 |
Remarks |
1 |
AD category for fire fighting | 24 HR : Category 10 |
2 |
Rescue equipment | 2 boats of 10 people , Rescue truck , Ambulance |
3 |
Capability for removal of disabled aircraft |
4 |
Remarks |
1 |
Types of clearing equipment |
2 |
Clearance priorities |
3 |
Remarks | The aerodrome is available all seasons. |
1 | Apron surface and strength |
Surface: Concrete Strength: Apron A , Apron B , Apron C : PCN 38 /R /B /W /T APRON D : PCN 77 /R /B /X /T |
2 | Taxiway width, surface and strength |
Width: 52.5 M Surface: Concrete and asphalt Strength: TWY A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H : PCN 65 /R /B /W /T TWY I : PCN 9 /R /B /W /T |
3 |
Altimeter checkpoint location and elevation |
Location at Apron Elevation 18 M (59 FT) |
4 |
VOR checkpoints |
VOR: at TWY A , D |
5 |
INS checkpoints |
6 |
Remarks |
1 |
Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands |
Taxi guidance signs, all RWY and TWY intersections and holding positions. |
2 |
RWY and TWY markings and LGT |
RWY : Designation, THR , TDZ , Centre line , edge , LGT, runway end as appropriate, marked. TWY : Centre line , holding positions at all TWY /RWY intersections , marked. |
3 |
Stop bars |
4 |
Remarks |
In approach/TKOF areas |
In circling areas and at AD |
Remarks | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | |||
RWY/Area affected |
Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT |
Coordinates |
Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT |
Coordinates | |
a | b | c | a | b | |
RWY 18 Left base |
Hill 2.2 NM NNE, 896 FT. from VOR no marking/LGT |
High tension line distance 840 M. from RWY THR 18, elevation of the high tension line 18 M. |
1 |
Associated MET Office | Military Airport |
2 |
Hours of service MET Office outside hours | H24 |
3 |
Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity |
issue TAF on standard time 00,06,12,18 UTC observe METAR every half an hour observe SPECI off standard time |
4 |
Type of landing forecast Interval of issuance |
issue TAF on standard time 00,06,12,18 UTC observe METAR every half an hour observe SPECI off standard time |
5 |
Briefing/consultation provided | No |
6 |
Flight documentation Language(s) used |
7 |
Charts and other information available for | Daily Weather Forecast |
8 |
Supplementary equipment available for |
9 |
ATS units provided with information |
10 |
Additional information (limitation of service, etc.) |
Designations RWY NR |
Dimensions of RWY(M) | Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY |
THR coordinates RWY end coordinates THR geoid undulation | THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision APP RWY |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
18 | 184° (MAG) | 3505 x60 |
PCN 59 /F /B /X /T Concrete and asphalt |
THR 18 M (59 FT) |
36 | 004° (MAG) | 3505 x60 |
PCN 59 /F /B /X /T Concrete and asphalt |
THR 7.6 M (24 FT) |
Slope of RWY-SWY |
SWY dimensions (M) | CWY dimensions (M) | Strip dimensions (M) | OFZ | Remarks | ||
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ||
0.3 % | 305 x60 | 305 x300 | 4235 x300 |
NIL | ||
-0.3 % | 305 x60 | 305 x300 | 4235 x300 |
RWY Designator |
TORA (M) |
TODA (M) |
ASDA (M) |
LDA (M) |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
18 | 3505 | 3810 | 3810 | 3505 |
36 | 3505 | 3810 | 3810 | 3505 |
RWY Designator |
THR LGT colour WBAR |
RWY Centre Line LGT Length, spacing, colour, INTST |
RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour INTST |
RWY End LGT colour WBAR |
SWY LGT LEN (M) colour |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
18 |
CAT1 (570 M ) | Green |
PAPI BI-Latteral 3° |
3505 M 60 M White LIH | Red |
36 | SALS | Green |
PAPI Left 3° |
3505 M 60 M LIH | Red |
1 |
ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation |
ABN : Adjacent to control tower , W and G lights, 8 revolution/MIN . Sunset to sunrise and daylight when low visibility. |
2 |
LDI location and LGT Anemometer location and LGT |
3 |
TWY edge and centre line lighting |
TWY edge lights (blue) |
4 |
Secondary power supply/switch-over time |
Automatic standby power supply generator is available |
5 |
Remarks |
1 |
Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO Geoid undulation |
2 |
TLOF and/or FATO elevation M/FT |
3 |
TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking |
4 |
True and MAG BRG of FATO |
5 |
Declared distance available |
6 |
APP and FATO lighting |
7 |
Remarks | Landing on TWY E . |
1 |
Designation and lateral limits |
A circle of 5 NM radius centred on 1240.7N 10100.5E |
2 |
Vertical limits |
up to but not including 2000 FT /AGL |
3 |
Airspace classification | C |
4 |
ATS unit call sign Language(s) |
U-Tapao Tower English , Thai |
5 |
Transition altitude |
11000 FT |
6 |
Remarks |
Service designation |
Call sign |
Frequency |
Hours of operation |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
U-Tapao Approach |
119.7 MHZ 121.5 MHZ1) 134.5 MHZ 238.3 MHZ 273.3 MHZ 243.0 MHZ1) | H24 |
RTN 1) Emergency Frequency |
TWR | U-Tapao Tower |
118.1 MHZ 118.3 MHZ 121.5 MHZ1) 227.0 MHZ 243.0 MHZ1) | H24 | |
GND | U-Tapao Ground |
121.9 MHZ 275.8 MHZ | H24 |
Type of aid, MAG VAR CAT of ILS/MLS (For VOR/ILS/MLS, give declination) |
ID |
Frequency | Hours of operation |
Position of transmitting antenna coordinates |
Elevation of DME transmitting antenna |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
NDB | UP | 414 KHZ | H24 |
| ||
110.8 MHZ CH 45X | H24 |
| 6 M / AGL |
DVOR/DME restriction due to mountainous terrain surround DVOR/DME station, coverage check does not provide adequate signal clockwise orbit 40 NM at required altitude and distance in various areas:
RWY 18 | IBUT | 111.1 MHZ CH 48X | H24 |
A. The Cat I ILS/DME installed at U-Tapao Rayong Pattaya International Airport for RWY18 . There is no back course. The localize aerial array is located on the extended runway centre line at distance of 420 M (1377.9 FT) from the threshold of RWY 36 . The antenna array 1.30 M (4.3 FT) high is installed on top of wooden platform 3.6 M (11.8 FT) high above ground, with an aperture of 40.3 M (132.2 FT). B. DME paired with LOC. frequency omnidirectional, low power (100 watts). C. Glide Path 3º above the horizontal, paired with localizer frequency. The 15 M (49.2 FT) glide path aerial mast is offset 120 M(393.7 FT) to the east side of runway centre line and from threshold of RWY18, 371 M (1217 FT). D. Middle Marker 1050 M (3445 FT) from threshold of RWY18 along extended runway centre line. | |
GP | 331.7 MHZ | H24 |
| 5 M / AGL | ||
MM | 75 MHZ |
| ||||
Compass Locator | UT | 234 KHZ | H24 |
| ||
TACAN | BUT | CH 105 | 2300-1100 |
| Military Facilities 30 min PN to ATC. |
Ground Visibility - 5 KM; or
Ceiling - 450 M (1 500 FT)
Ground Visibility - 1 500 M
Flight Visibility -8 KM at and above 3 050 M (10 000 FT) AMSL
-5 KM below 3 050 M (10 000 FT) AMSL
Distance from cloud -1500 M horizontally and 300 M (1 000 FT) vertically
Traffic pattern shown in diagram. The unlighted 896 FT hill, 2.2 NM NNE of U-Tapao constitutes a hazard to VFR operation:
Altitude 1 400 FT MSL
Left traffic for runway 18
Right traffic for runway 36
Enter downwind leg at a 45º.
Altitude 1 900 FT MSL
Runway 18 left turns
Runway 36 right turns
Enter final at a 45º.
Altitude 800 FT MSL
Right traffic for runway 18
Left traffic for runway 36
Landing on parallel taxiway
Enter parallel taxiway at a 45º.
Joining the traffic pattern of the landing runway be conformed to the altitude for the type of aircraft as listed in item 3, then make a low approach along the runway at 500 FT above the terrain, rocking wings of the aircraft until it reaches end of the runway.
Re-enter downwind leg and observe light signals from the control tower.
Joining the traffic pattern of the landing runway be conformed to the altitude for the type of aircraft as listed in item 3, then make a low approach along the runway at 500 FT above the terrain, and blinking the landing light until it reaches end of runway.
Re-enter downwind leg and observe light signals from the control tower for light signal on base leg and final approach.
Flying over gas separation plant in Rayong (Ban Map Ta Phut) is hazardous. Aircraft are to avoid area starting from 1241.2N 10108.0E then clockwise along an arc of 2 NM radius from 1243.0N 10109.0E to 1243.0N 10111.0E then direct to 1238.5N 10111. 0E from this point make an arc of 5 NM radius from 1243.0N10109.0E clockwise to 1238.2N 10108.0E then direct to the starting point, altitude 2 000 FT.
Provide Radar Vectoring of Arriving traffic on to pilot-Interpreted Final Approach Aids
Provide Radar Vectoring of Arriving traffic to a point from which a Visual Approach can be complete
Provide Radar Monitoring of other pilot-Interpreted Approaches.
Provide Radar Monitoring of aircraft equipped with SSR transponder while in affected airspace.
Provided Radar Separation between:
Succeeding Departing Aircraft.
Succeeding Arriving Aircraft.
A Departing aircraft and a Succeeding Arriving aircraft.
Procedural shall be applied between Aircraft with functioning transponder and other aircraft, and between all non-transponding aircraft within the affected airspace.
Chart name |
Page |
Aerodrome Chart - ICAO | AD 2-VTBU-2-1 |
Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO | AD 2-VTBU-2-3 |
Aerodrome Ground Movement Chart - ICAO (Verso) | AD 2-VTBU-2-4 |
Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO Type A - RWY 18/36 | AD 2-VTBU-3-1 |
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO - RNAV RWY 18 - BKK1A | AD 2-VTBU-6-1 |
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO - RNAV RWY 18 - BKK1A (Tabular description) | AD 2-VTBU-6-2 |
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO - RNAV RWY 36 - BKK1B | AD 2-VTBU-6-3 |
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO - RNAV RWY 36 - BKK1B (Tabular description) | AD 2-VTBU-6-4 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - NDB RWY 36 | AD 2-VTBU-8-1 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - VOR RWY 18 | AD 2-VTBU-8-3 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - VOR RWY 18 (Fix and point list table) | AD 2-VTBU-8-4 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - VOR RWY 36 | AD 2-VTBU-8-5 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - VOR RWY 36 (Fix and point list table) | AD 2-VTBU-8-6 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - ILS or LOC RWY 18 | AD 2-VTBU-8-7 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - ILS or LOC RWY 18 (Fix and point list table) | AD 2-VTBU-8-8 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - RNAV (GNSS) RWY 18 | AD 2-VTBU-8-9 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - RNAV (GNSS) RWY 18 (Tabular description) | AD 2-VTBU-8-10 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - RNAV (GNSS) RWY 36 | AD 2-VTBU-8-11 |
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO - RNAV (GNSS) RWY 36 (Tabular description) | AD 2-VTBU-8-12 |