Accessing the “Monitoring Program” section of the MAAR website.
The Internet address for MAAR is: http//
two primary altimetry systems;
one automatic altitude-keeping device; and
one altitude-alerting device;
one altitude operating transponder (if required for operation in that specific RVSM airspace)
is no longer RVSM compliant due to equipment failure; or
experiences loss of redundancy of altimetry systems; or
encounters turbulence that affects the capability to maintain flight level.
General procedures
if there is no confliction traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC will issue clearance to deviate from track; or
if there is confliction traffic in the horizontal dimension, ATC will separate aircraft by establishing vertical separation or, if unable to establish vertical separation, ATC shall:
advise the pilot unable to issue clearance for requested deviation
advise pilot of conflicting traffic
request pilot’s intentions
“Unable (requested deviation), traffic is (call sign, position, altitude, direction), advise intentions.”
Advise ATC of intentions by the most expeditious means available.
Comply with air traffic control clearance issued or…
Execute the procedures detailed in 1.3.9 below. (ATC will issue essential traffic information to all affected aircraft).
If necessary, establish voice communications with ATC to expedite dialogue on the situation
Actions to be taken if a revised air traffic control clearance cannot be obtained
If possible, deviate away from an organized track or route system;
Establish communication with and alert nearby aircraft by broadcasting, at suitable intervals: flight identification, flight level, aircraft position (including the ATS route designator or the track code) and intentions (including the magnitude of the deviation expected) on the frequency in use, as well as on frequency 121.5 MHz (or, as a back-up, the VHF inter-pilot air-to-air frequency 123.45 MHz).
Watch for confliction traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS;
Note: 1.3.9 b) and c) above calls for the pilot to: broadcast aircraft position and pilot’s intentions, identify confliction traffic and communicate air-to-air with near-by aircraft. If the pilot determines that there is another aircraft at or near the same FL with which his aircraft might conflict, then the pilot is expected to adjust the path of the aircraft, as necessary, to avoid conflict.
Turn on all aircraft exterior lights (commensurate with appropriate operating limitations);
For deviations of less than 10 NM, aircraft should remain at the level assigned by ATC;
For deviations of greater than 10 NM, when the aircraft is approximately 10 NM from track, initiate a level change based on the following criteria:
Route center line track | Deviations>10 NM | Level change |
EAST 000-179 magnetic | LEFT RIGHT | DESCEND 300 ft CLIMB 300 ft |
WEST 180-359 magnetic | LEFT RIGHT | CLIMB 300 ft DESCEND 300 ft |
If contact was not established prior to deviating, continue to attempt to contact ATC to obtain a clearance. If contact was established, continue to keep ATC advised of intentions and obtain essential traffic information.
When returning to track, be at its assigned flight level, when the aircraft is within approximately 10 NM of center line.
Do not climb or descend at less than the normal rate for the aircraft and
Do not level off at an intermediate level while passing through the RVSM stratum.
The aircraft is being initially delivered to the State of Registry or Operator (see 1.6 for additional details and information); or
The aircraft was RVSM approved but has experienced an equipment failure and is being flown to a maintenance facility for repair in order to meet RVSM requirements and/or obtain approval; or
The aircraft is transporting a spare engine mounted under the wing; or
The aircraft is being utilized for mercy or humanitarian purposes; or
State aircraft (those aircraft used in military, custom and police services shall be deemed state aircraft)
Note: The procedures are intended exclusively for the purposes indicated and not as a means to circumvent the normal RVSM approval process.
Bangkok Area Control Centre
Tel: +662 285 9111
Fax: +662 285 9077
Appendix A
The following paragraphs summarize pilot actions to mitigate the potential for conflict with other aircraft in certain contingency situations. They should be reviewed in conjunction with the expanded contingency scenarios detailed on Appendix B, which contain additional technical and operational detail.
*Scenario 1: The pilot is: 1) unsure of the vertical position of the aircraft due to the loss or degradation of all primary altimetry systems, or 2) unsure of the capability to maintain cleared flight level (CFL) due to turbulence or loss of all automatic altitude control systems.
The Pilot should: | ATC can be expected to: |
Maintain CFL while evaluating the situation; | |
Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS, if equipped; | |
If considered necessary, alert nearby aircraft by
| |
Notify ATC of the situation and intended course of action. Possible courses of action include: | Obtain the pilot’s intentions and pass essential traffic information. |
Scenario 2: There is a failure or loss of accuracy of one primary altimetry system (e.g., greater than 200 feet difference between primary altimeters)
The Pilot should |
Cross check standby altimeter, confirm the accuracy of a primary altimeter system and notify ATC of the loss of redundancy. If unable to confirm primary altimeter system accuracy, follow pilot actions listed in the preceding scenario. |
Operators may consider this material for use in training programs.
Scenario 1: All automatic altitude control systems fail (e.g., Automatic Altitude Hold).
The Pilot should | ATC can be expected to |
Initially | |
Maintain CFL | |
Evaluate the aircraft’s capability to maintain altitude through manual control. | |
Subsequently | |
Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS, if equipped. | |
If considered necessary, alert nearby aircraft by
| |
Notify ATC of the failure and intended course of action. Possible courses of action include: | |
Scenario 2: Loss of redundancy in primary altimetry systems
The Pilot should | ATC can be expected to |
If the remaining altimetry system is functioning normally, couple that system to the automatic altitude control system, notify ATC of the loss of redundancy and maintain vigilance of altitude keeping. | Acknowledge the situation and continue to monitor progress. |
Scenario 3: All primary altimetry systems are considered unreliable or fail
The Pilot should | ATC can be expected to |
Maintain CFL by reference to the standby altimeter (if the aircraft is so equipped). | |
Alert nearby aircraft by
| |
Consider declaring an emergency. Notify ATC of the failure and intended course of action. Possible courses of action include: | Obtain pilot’s intentions, and pass essential traffic information. |
Scenario 4: The primary altimeters diverge by more than 200 ft (60 m)
The Pilot should |
Determine the defective system through the normal airplane integrated comparator warning system or in the absence of such a system, establish trouble-shooting procedures comparing the primary altimeters to the standby altimeter (corrected using the correction card) |
If the defective system can be determined, couple the functioning altimeter to the altitude keeping device in use. |
If the defective system cannot be determined, follow the guidance in Scenario 3 for failure or unreliable altimeter indications of all primary altimeters |
Scenario 5. Turbulence (greater than moderate), which the pilot believes, will impact the aircraft’s capability to maintain flight level.
The Pilot should | ATC can be expected to |
Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to ACAS, if equipped. | |
If considered necessary, alert nearby aircraft by
| |
Notify ATC of intended course of action as soon as possible. Possible courses of action include: | |
Appendix B
Controller-Pilot phraseology:
Message | Phraseology |
For a controller to ascertain the RVSM approval status of an aircraft: | (call sign) CONFIRM RVSM APPROVED |
For a pilot to report non-RVSM approval status:
Additionally, except for State aircraft, pilot shall include this phrase to read back flight level clearances involving the vertical transit through FL 290 or FL 410 See examples that follow. | NEGATIVE RVSM |
For a pilot to report RVSM approval status | AFFIRM RVSM |
For a pilot of a non-RVSM approved State aircraft to report non-RVSM approval status, in response to the phrase (call sign) CONFIRM RVSM APPROVED. | NEGATIVE RVSM STATE AIRCRAFT |
Denial of clearance into the RVSM airspace: | (call sign) UNABLE CLEARANCE INTO RVSM AIRSPACE, MAINTAIN [or DESCEND TO, or CLIMB TO] FLIGHT LEVEL (number) |
For a pilot to report when severe turbulence affects the aircraft’s capability to maintain the height-keeping requirements for RVSM. | UNABLE RVSM DUE TURBULENCE* |
For a pilot to report that the aircraft’s equipment has degraded en-route below that required for flight within the RVSM airspace. (See Appendix A) (This phrase is to be used to convey both the initial indication of the non-MASPS compliance, and henceforth, on initial contact on all frequencies within the lateral limits of the RVSM airspace until such time as the problem ceases to exist, or the aircraft has exited the RVSM airspace.) | UNABLE RVSM DUE EQUIPMENT* |
For a pilot to report the ability to resume operations within the RVSM airspace after an equipment or weather-related contingency. | READY TO RESUME RVSM |
For a controller to confirm that an aircraft has regained its RVSM approval status, or to confirm that the pilot is ready to resume RVSM operations. | REPORT ABLE TO RESUME RVSM |
Example 1:
A non-RVSM approved aircraft, maintaining FL 260, subsequently requests a climb to FL 320.
Pilot: (call sign) REQUEST FL 320, NEGATIVE RVSM
Controller: (call sign) CLIMB TO FL 320
Pilot: (call sign) CILMB TO FL 320, NEGATIVE RVSM
Example 2:
A non-RVSM approved aircraft, maintaining FL 260, subsequently requests a climb to FL 430.
Pilot: (call sign) REQUEST FL 430, NEGATIVE RVSM
Controller: (call sign) CLIMB TO FL 430
Pilot: (call sign) CILMB TO FL 430, NEGATIVE RVSM
Example 3:
A non-RVSM approved aircraft, maintaining FL 360, subsequently requests a climb to FL380.
Pilot: (call sign) REQUEST FL 380, NEGATIVE RVSM
Controller: (call sign) CLIMB TO FL 380
Pilot: (call sign) CILMB TO FL 380, NEGATIVE RVSM
Example 4:
A non-RVSM approved civil aircraft, maintaining FL 280, subsequently requests a climb to FL320.
Pilot: (call sign) REQUEST FL 320, NEGATIVE RVSM
ATS Route | No-Pre-Departure Coordination (No-PDC) Flight Levels. Other levels available with prior approval |
G474/L628 B202/L628 | EB – FL330, FL370, FL410 WB – FL280, FL340 |
N891 | SB – FL330 NB – FL260, FL300, FL380 |
A1 | EB – FL290, FL330, FL370, FL390, FL410 WB – FL280, FL300, FL340, FL380, FL400 |
R468/M768 | EB – FL270, FL330, FL410 WB – FL300, FL380 |
A202 | EB – FL290, FL330, FL370, FL390, FL410 WB – FL280, FL300, FL340, FL380, FL400 Note: Implemented 14 Jan 2008 in Bangkok FIR |
Flights experiencing an emergency, including aircraft subjected to unlawful interference;
Flights in search and rescue or fire-fighting missions;
Urgent medical evacuation flights specifically declared by medical authorities where flight delays would put the life of the patients at risk;
Flights with “Head of State” status; and
Other flights as may be determined by the appropriate authority.
One of the key ATFM measures used by Bangkok ATFMU to balance arrival demand against congested resource capacity is Ground Delay Program (GDP) through the issuance of Calculated Take-Off Time (CTOT). CTOTs are calculated based on expected arrival times of flights at the congested resource, adjusted to achieve suitable flow rate, and should provide airspace users with awareness of their departure times. When GDP is activated, all relevant stakeholders (ATS units, airspace users, airport operators, and ground handlers) are requested to adhere to the following procedure:
Flights departing from VTBS and VTBD: crews shall contact Clearance Delivery for ATC clearance at least 20 minutes prior to CTOTs.
Flights departing from other aerodromes: crews shall contact Clearance Delivery for ATC clearance at least 15 minutes prior to CTOTs.
Once clearance has been issued, unless otherwise specified by the ATC, flights shall be ready for pushback within 5 minutes.
ATC shall provide best assistance to ensure flights complying with the above timeframe can takeoff within CTOT compliance window. Failure to comply with the above timeframe may result in further gate holding, and ATC may request crews to obtain new CTOT from Bangkok ATFMU (through their flight operations / dispatch).
Unit Name: Bangkok ATFMU
Tel: +66 2287 8024
Tel: +66 2287 8025
Fax: +66 2287 8026
Email: [email protected]
Reduce ground and enroute delays;
Maximize capacity and optimize air traffic flow through Kabul FIR;
Provide an informed choice of routing and flight level selection;
Alleviate unplanned in-flight re-routing and technical stops; and
Assist regional ANSPs in planning for and managing workload in handling increased air traffic flow through Kabul FIR.
Table 1: ATS Route and Flight Levels Requiring ATFM Slot Allocation
Routing through the Kabul FIR | Metering Waypoint(s) | Flight Levels |
L509 - M875 | LAJAK | FL280, FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 |
M875 | SITAX | FL280, FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 |
N644 | DOBAT | FL280, FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 |
L750 | BIROS | FL280, FL300, FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 |
P628 | ASLUM | FL320, FL340, FL360, FL380, FL400 |
N636 - P628 | SERKA | FL280, FL300 |
Flights experiencing an emergency, including aircraft subjected to unlawful interference;
Flights in search and rescue or fire-fighting missions;
Urgent medical evacuation flights specifically declared by medical authorities where flight delays would put the life of patients at risk;
Flights with “Head of State” status.
Note: After medical flights have completed their mission; they should be subject to ATFM measures. Scheduled passenger transfer flights are, by nature, non-urgent and should not be given priority under normal operational situation.
The slot allocation is divided into 3 phases, namely; the slot request submission, initial slot allocation, and slot distribution to aircraft operators and ANSPs.
Slot Request Submission
Slot requests including preferred ATS route, flight level and Maximum Acceptable Delay (MAD) should be lodged between 0001 UTC and 1159 UTC on the day of flight. Slot requests may subsequently be amended prior to the cut-off time of 1200UTC. Aircraft operators are encouraged to submit additional slot request options in case their first choice is not available. This may include variations to ATS route, flight level and MADS.
Slot requests shall be for flight parameters that are able to be met by the flight. For example, flights requesting a slot at FL380 must be able to transit Kabul FIR at FL380. Flight subsequently unable to meet slot parameters (flight level, ATS route, or CTO at entry fix) should expect non-preferred routes and/or flight levels, enroute holding and/or diversion around Kabul FIR.
As BOBCAT will allocate FL280 on a priority basis to facilitate departures from northern India and Pakistan underneath over-flying traffic, flights departing these airports are encouraged to include FL280 as at least one slot request preference.
Flights that were not allocated a slot in the initial slot allocation, are not satisfied with the allocated slot or did not submit a slot request should select slots from the listing of remaining unallocated slots available immediately after slot distribution has been completed.
Slot Allocation and Distribution
Slot allocation will commence at the cut-off time of 1200 UTC. BOBCAT will process and generate the slot allocation based on the information submitted in the slot requests. Notification of slot allocation will be made not later than 1230UTC via the ATFMU website. Alternative arrangements for notification of slot distribution (e.g. Fax, Telephone, and e-mail) should be coordinated with the ATFMU.
After the slot allocation has been published at, aircraft operators can:
Use the slot allocation result for ATS flight planning purposes,
Cancel the allocated slot and/or,
Change slot allocation to another available slot in the published list of unallocated slots.
ATS Units involved within Bangkok FIR (e.g. Bangkok Area Control Centre, Aerodrome Control at the departure airports, AIS Centers, Aerodrome Aeronautical Information Services Units and Base Operations) can also view the slot allocation results at
Once aircraft operators are in receipt of the slot allocation, they shall submit the ATS flight plan using the time, ATS route and flight level parameters of the BOBCAT allocated slot.
In addition to normal AFTN addressees, operators should also address flight plan (FPL) and related ATS messages (e.g. DLA, CNL, CHG) to the ATFMU via AFTN address VTBBZDZX for all flights that have submitted a slot request.
Aircraft Operator / Pilot-in-Command
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
Before obtaining an Airway Clearance, ensure the flight is ready at least 25 minutes prior to the allocated CTOT (the additional 5-minute buffer to CTOT should not be taken into account under this provision);
Radio communication with Suvarnabhumi Ground Control shall be established within 5 minutes of enroute ATC clearance being received;
Flights that do not adhere to the procedures mentioned in (a) and (b) will be considered not-ready and may result in the withdrawal of Airway Clearance as well as CTOT;
Notwithstanding the above; there may be some occasions where, due to the location of the aircraft’s parking bay, the aircraft could take less time to taxi than the Standard Taxi Time (STT) used by the BOBCAT system. In these cases, ATC may delay pushback and start-up procedures in order for the aircraft to have a smooth transition to the holding point.
A personal computer of any operating system with the following characteristics
Processor: minimum CPU clock speed of 150 MHz
Operating System: Any that operates one of the following web browsers – Windows 2000/XP, Linux, Unix or Mac OS
Web Browser: Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer, Mozilla 1.0 or newer, Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or newer, Netscape 7 or newer
RAM: 64 MB or large (depending on operating system)
Hard Disk Space: minimum of 500 MB or larger (depending on operating system)
Monitor Display Resolution: Minimum of 800x600 pixels
Internet Connection: 56 Kbps Modem or faster
Unit Name: Bangkok ATFMU
Tel: +662 287 8024, +662 287 8025, +662 287 8026
Fax: +662 287 8027, +662 287 8026
Email: [email protected]
If longitudinal separation cannot be achieved or maintained in relation to preceding traffic on the flight planned route L759 between PUT – BBS over the Bay of Bengal;
When, by using the flight planned route L759, an aircraft would suffer an unacceptable lower flight level; and
In concurrence with the flight crew, the Bangkok ACC shall assign alternative parallel route M770 or lower acceptable level on L759 to affected flights enabling a better chance of obtaining the ATFM slot allocation in the Kabul FIR.
Flight intends to operate on ATS route B218 within Vientiane FIR should flight plan via B346 or R215
Flight intends to operate on ATS route R474 between 0100-1000 UTC on Monday-Friday should flight plan via W21 CMP R474 vice versa
R474 is available as follow:
Monday-Friday between 1001-0059 UTC
H24 for Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday
All odd flight level (RVSM table)
Pre-Departure Coordination (PDC): FL270, FL310, FL330
R215: NO-PDC FL310
R474 and W21 CMP R474:
All odd flight level (RVSM table)
Pre-Departure Coordination (PDC): FL270, FL330
A202: NO-PDC FL290, FL330, FL370, FL390, FL410, FL450
NO-PDC arrangement applies to flight operating on RNAV/ATS routes out bound from Bangkok FIR will be cleared to specific levels as indicated below:
ATS route designator | NO-PDC flight level |
A202 | FL290 or above |
G474 / L628 | FL290 and FL370 |
R468 / M768 | FL290 |
N891 | FL330 and FL410 |
Departing aircraft will be cleared to the flight levels appropriate to the route.
10 minutes longitudinal separation will be applied, with MNT, to succeeding aircraft on the same route and at same flight level such longitudinal separation will be adjusted for faster or slower preceding aircraft as appropriate.
Levels indicated above are intended to facilitate initial departure only, level allocation once airborne is still subject to normal ATC requirements.
NO-PDC arrangement will be applied for flight operating on the following ATS routes;
ATS route designator | NO-PDC flight level |
P646, L507 | All westbound level available |
R468 / P762, R468 / L301, P646 / N895, L645, A327 | FL260, FL320 |
L759, L515 / M770 | FL280, FL300, FL340 |
Flight level mentioned above are intended to facilitate traffic flow during departure phase only.
Availability of flight level shall subject to traffic situation.
FL360 and above is available base on coordination.