Executive Summary

The Electronic AIP (eAIP) Specification developed by EUROCONTROL provides a standard way to:

Through the use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML), the eAIP data content is completely separated from presentation, which, in turn, may be tailored to every target media. The on-screen (HTML) presentation part of the eAIP Specification was validated with a group of real users. Apart from the standard HTML browsing features (hot links, tool tips, etc.), it offers the possibility to visualise changes, both in text and graphics.

An important advantage of the electronic format is that an eAIP can be made available to an increased number of users. As oposed to a paper document whose consultation is restricted by the number of copies available and by their location, an eAIP can be teoretically made available to the whole company through the use of an intranet.

This manual is complementing the eAIP Specification by providing detailed instructions for eAIP users. It covers topics such as browsing, printing and checking the electronic signature of an eAIP. The eAIP User's Manual contains also usage instructions which are specific to the eAIP Specimen provided by EUROCONTROL.